
line 10
    %matplotlib inline
SyntaxError: invalid syntax.



如果希望从脚本执行此操作,则必须访问IPython API,然后调用run_line_magic函数。

  • Line magics are only supported by the IPython command line. They cannot simply be used inside a script, because %something is not correct Python syntax.

  • If you want to do this from a script you have to get access to the IPython API and then call the run_line_magic function.

代替%matplotlib inline,你需要在你的代码中做类似这样的事情:

from IPython import get_ipython
get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')



  • A similar approach is described in this answer, but it uses the deprecated magic function.

  • Note that the script still needs to run in IPython. Under vanilla Python the get_ipython function returns None and get_ipython().run_line_magic will raise an AttributeError.