

  • 有同学问,下面的v,c,f等都是啥意思


  • 这个问题嘛,应该在python学习阶段来问,不过我也只能解释部分,有些也只能靠猜测

  • 按图索骥找了下pycharm的官网doc,解释就非常全了


  • 但有些在python中你应该见不到
  • 重点关注比如FfmC这些吧
  • pycharm也非常复杂,要完全了解不现实,还是把注意力放在代码上为宜


Icon Description
Python script Python script
App nodes class Class
Method Method
the Function icon Function
Field Field
Variable Variable
Property Property
Parameter Parameter
Element Element
Project structure
Directory Directory
Package Package
Sources Root Source root
Excluded root Excluded root
the Template roots icon Template roots
Visibility modifiers
Private private
Protected protected
Public public
Pseudoprivate icon The lock decorator in the upper-left part of a symbol marks a symbol whose name begins with one or more underscores. Such names are considered pseudo-private and are specially treated by an interpreter to restrict their visibility scope.
Magic name icon The blue bubble in the upper-left part of a symbol marks a symbol whose name begins and ends with two underscores, and is specially treated by an interpreter and standard library.
Bookmark check Anonymous bookmark – a check sign bookmark. Bookmarks are used for quick navigation within a file or across the entire project.
Bookmark mnemonic Lettered mnemonic bookmark – a letter in the interval from A to Z.
Bookmark number Numbered mnemonic bookmark – a number in the interval from 0 to 9.