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论文标题:PERL: Pivot-based Domain Adaptation for Pre-trained Deep Contextualized Embedding Models
论文作者:Eyal Ben-David、Carmel Rabinovitz、Roi Reichart
论文来源:2020 TACL

1 介绍 

  动机:之前 Pivot-based 的方法只利用了来自源域的标记数据和来自源域和目标域的未标记数据,而忽略了合并不一定来自这些域的大量未标记语料库;

2 相关

  Pivot features are:

    • Frequent in the unlabeled data from the source and target domains;
    • Among those frequent features, pivot features are the ones whose mutual information with the task label according to source domain labeled data crosses a pre-defined threshold. Features that do not meet the above two criteria form the non-pivot feature subset;

3 方法



Step 1

  Figure 1a:使用一个强大的预训练的 CWE 模型初始化 PERL 编码器,这里的 CWE 模型要能实现 MLM、NSP 任务;

Step 2

  使用 不同的掩码概率对 $\text{pivot}$ 和 $\text{non-pivot}$ 进行 $\text{mask}$ ,并预测 $\text{mask}$ 的词是否是 $\text{pivot}$ ; 

    $p\left(y_{i}=j\right)=\frac{e^{f\left(h_{i}\right) \cdot W_{j}}}{\sum_{k=1}^{|P|} e^{f\left(h_{i}\right) \cdot W_{k}}+e^{f\left(h_{i}\right) \cdot W_{\text {none }}}}$
  其中,$P$ 是 $\text{pivot feature}$ 的集合;

Step 3


4 实验

Domain adaptation results