

  • Added support for using scripts in task and execution listeners and HTTP request and response handlers.
  • Added support for new task and instance history levels to provide more options to reduce the amount of historic data stored.
  • Added support to throw BPMN errors in scripts.
  • Added support for headers in an event model that can be used with event registry events in case and process definitions.
  • Improved support for starting case and process instances with the unique feature enabled on event registry start events.
    The event subscription for the event registry event is locked while starting the case and process instance to prevent any duplicate instances.
  • Added support for async leave in addition to the already long existing async (before) attribute for async tasks in BPMN and CMMN.
    An async job will be created to execute the leave of a task when the async leave attribute is set to true.
  • Improved support for parallel repeatable event listeners in case definitions.
  • Added interface to provide an implementation for non-matching events that are received in the event registry.
  • Added support to query directly on runtime variable instances both in the Java API and REST API.
  • Improved housekeeping logic to reduce the throughput time.
  • Added support for retries in Kafka channels in the event registry.
  • Expose topic, partitions and offset consumer record for inbound Kafka channel and provide custom partition support for outbound Kafka channel.
  • Added bulk support for deleting case and process instances, terminating case instances and moving deadletter jobs to executable.
  • Added activity instance REST API query support.
  • Fixed issue with event listeners in a repeatable stage in a case definition.
  • Fixed issue with having multiple event registry start events in a process definition.
  • Add dedicated task executor for the task invoker. This is fixing an issue with a potential deadlock when using the "true parallel" HTTP task feature.
  • Improved channel definition caching logic to prevent channels from getting unregistered when they should not.
  • Added support for providing an owner and assignee when starting a case or process instance.
  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.7.6.
  • 添加了对在任务和执行侦听器以及HTTP请求和响应处理程序中使用脚本的支持。
  • 增加了对新任务和实例历史级别的支持,以提供更多选项来减少存储的历史数据量。
  • 增加了在脚本中抛出BPMN错误的支持。
  • 添加了对事件模型中标题的支持,该模型可用于案例和流程定义中的事件注册表事件。
  • 通过在事件注册表启动事件上启用的独特功能,改进了对启动案例和流程实例的支持。
  • 除了在BPMN和CMMN中已经存在很久的异步任务的异步(之前)属性之外,增加了对异步休假的支持。
    当async leave属性设置为true时,将创建一个异步作业来执行任务的休假。
  • 改进了对案例定义中并行可重复事件侦听器的支持。
  • 添加了接口,为事件注册表中接收的不匹配事件提供实现。
  • 增加了在Java API和REST API中直接查询运行时变量实例的支持。
  • 改进了内务处理逻辑,减少了吞吐时间。
  • 在事件注册表中增加了对Kafka频道重试的支持。
  • 展示入站Kafka频道主题、分区和偏移消费者记录,并为出站Kafka频道提供自定义分区支持。
  • 添加了对删除案例和流程实例、终止案例实例以及将死信作业移动到可执行文件的批量支持。
  • 增加了活动实例REST API查询支持。
  • 修复了案例定义中可重复阶段的事件侦听器的问题。
  • 修复了在一个过程定义中有多个事件注册表启动事件的问题。
  • 为任务调用者添加专用的任务执行者。这修复了使用“真正并行”HTTP任务功能时可能出现死锁的问题。
  • 改进了频道定义缓存逻辑,以防止频道在不应该取消注册时被取消注册。
  • 增加了对启动案例或流程实例时提供所有者和受分配者的支持。
  • 升级到Spring Boot 2.7.6。