怎么启动eZoo GNN

    • Defendency:
    • 1. Build ezoo-server, gnn
    • 2. install ezoognn
    • 3. prepare dataset
    • 4. connect to ezoo-server
    • 5. import the data that you downloaded/created into the ezoodb
  • Solutions to some errors:
  • Other ways to acess gnn and import data


  • vscode
  • vscode extensions: c++, cmake, python etc.
  • clang
  • pyezoo-0.9.0-py3-none-any.whl
  • cython

1. Build ezoo-server, gnn

  1. use vscode to open the ezoodb project
  2. pip install pyezoo-0.9.0-py3-none-any.whl
  3. typemakein terminal ( /ezoodb project folder)
  4. build ezoo-server and ezoo-gnn by using clang.

2. install ezoognn

  1. go to src/gnn type sh build.sh, it will generate ezoognnxxxxx.whl.
  2. pip install src/gnn/ezoo-gnn-whl/ezoognn-0.0.1-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_16_x86_64.whl ( to install ezoognn)

3. prepare dataset

  1. download your dataset in the following format

4. connect to ezoo-server

  1. go to build/bin type ./ezoo-server -config "resources/conf/ezoodb.conf" if success you should be able to get the following response:

5. import the data that you downloaded/created into the ezoodb

  1. type curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"db_name":"cora","schema_path":"/Users/xx/workbench/ezoodb/.tmp/cora/schema.txt", "import_conf_path":"/Users/xx/workbench/ezoodb/.tmp/cora/import_conf.txt"}' if success you should be able to get the following response:

Solutions to some errors:

  1. delete the /ezoodb/build folder and build ezoo-gnn, gnn again.
  2. brew install libevent
  3. change the port to
  4. delete /tmp/ezoodb/data

Other ways to acess gnn and import data

  • ezoo studio :
  • inmendb_bench_test_v2 : need to modify icons, schema file.
  • py_temp.py[need to start ezoo server]
    • start the graph
    • query

注意: 在跑gnnexample的时侯, 需要推出ezoo-server防止crash