
Finance is the process that involves the creation, management, and
investment of money and financial assets

Financial assets

non-physical, like Bank deposits, stocks, bonds, loans, derivatives

Financial services

banking, lending/borrowing, securi0es, insurance, trusts, funds

Financial markets

marketplace for trading financial assets

传统金融(中心化金融) v.s. 去中心化金融

Traditional Finance (CeFi)

  • Hold custodies of customers’ funds/assets
  • Serves as intermediaries for transactions
  • Adhere to strict on-boarding & continuous compliance rules (regulation)
  • Customer has no privacy to service provider
  • Opaque (不透明), siloed (独立的)databases and applications
  • Need to be trusted to operate correctly and securely



Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

以太坊 Ethereum

为了实现更加复杂的功能,以太坊(Ehereum, smart contract platform 更像是ecosystem)被发明了。就可以实现 借贷、等高级功能。


Financial infrastructure as
an open, permissionless,
and highly interoperable (可交互的) protocol stack built on
public smart contract


  • Custody & settlement (托管和结算)
  • Transaction execution (对应于 CeFi Intermediary (中介), DeFi Settlement)
  • Protocol governance (对应于 Centrally governed DeFi)

CeFi v.s. DeFi

Tradional finance

  • Permissioned
  • Custodial (保管人)
  • Centralized trust & governance
  • Real identity

Decentralized finance

  • Permissionless
  • Non-custodial
  • Decentralized trust & governance; Trustless
  • Pseudonymous (匿名); privacy

DeFi Advantages

  • Efficiency
  • Open finance and universal accessibility
  • Transparency and public verifiability
  • Self custody and censorship resistant
  • Automation & programmability
  • Composability and interoperability
  • Innovation
  • Fast Growth

DeFi Stack

DeFi is enabled by a decentralized smart contract platform

High-Level Service Architecture of CeFi, DeFi

pegged asset(挂钩资产): 其实就是稳定币
leveraged Loan: 杠杆贷

DeFi Building Blocks and Services

Asset Tokenization

Tokenization: process of adding new assets to a blockchain
Token: the blockchain representation of the asset
Make assets more accessible, easy to transfer, programmable
Governance token, security tokens (tokenized real estate), Nonfungible token (NFT), stablecoin

Nonfungible token (NFT):常见的应用是 艺术品、数字藏品


  • Offchain (centralized) collateral [fiat (法定货币), precious metal]
  • Onchain (decentralized) collateral (抵押品) [crypto assets]
  • Algorithmic (non-collateral) stable coin (算法稳定币,据说很坑)

Decentralized Exchange

Centralized exchange (CEX)

  • Custodial (保管)
  • Non-transparency
  • Order Book (证券交易所常见,就是 证券数量和买方或卖方对特定证券的出价/要价)

Decentralized exchange (DEX)

  • Non-custodial
  • Transparency

Decentralized Lending

Lending in CeFi

  • Processing default(违约) is expensive; under-collaterization(质押)(under collaterization 就是说抵押的资产的价值小于得到的资产)
  • Credit-worthiness (信誉度)

Collateralized loans in DeFi

  • Over collateralization; not based on credit
    • Collateralized debt positions
    • Collateralized debt markets

Flash Loans 闪电贷

  • Blockchains enable atomic transactions (要么全部按顺序执行,要么全部不执行)
  • Pools lend assets within one transaction (即借出的资产在transaction结束钱被偿还,否则该交易不上链;附加利息)
  • Does not exist in CeFi
    主要用于 套利

Other DeFi Building Blocks and Services

  • Decentralized derivatives
  • On-chain asset management

Risks in DeFi

DeFi Security

  • Network atacks
  • Consensus atacks (共识攻击,就是拿到51%的投票权)
  • Smart Contract code bugs
  • DeFi Protocol Composability atacks
  • Bridge atacks
  • Governance atacks

Front-running Attacks 是这门课的笔记呀!